Weekly Roundup 3/7/16

By | March 07, 2016

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House of Cards Season 4

The moment is here folks: House of Cards Season 4. (Don’t worry, no spoilers.) The new season was released by Netflix on March 4th. In honor of the release, The George Washington University created a site that mapped all the locations in the opening sequence of the show. So, be sure to check out what Netflix claims to be the most iconic spots of the city! If you are located outside of Washington, DC, we hope you enjoy your marathon of watching everyone’s favorite president and first lady, Frank and Claire Underwood.

It is only fitting that we also mention International Women’s Day as Claire Underwood made her debut in the new season as a strong, independant women. International Women’s Day is tomorrow, March 8th. In honor of International Women’s Day, UN Women will be hosting their annual conference in New York City. The 2016 theme is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step it Up for Gender Equality”. Representatives of NDI will also be attending this conference, highlighting gender violence in politics.


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