Weekly Roundup 4/4/16

By | April 05, 2016

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Roundup 4/4/14

Why hello, readers! This past week has been extremely eventful in the world of Tech4Dem. From Google being made available in China for two hours all the way to the FCC standing up for net neutrality for low-income Americans, we are making tremendous strides towards seeing the goal of digital inclusion become a reality.

This past week was the 2016 annual RightsCon held in Silicon Valley! The purpose of RightsCon is to continue the conversation around how to keep the internet open, free and secure. The event featured expert panelists on the freedom of expression, digital inclusion, cyber security, and network discrimination. Chris was featured on a panel during this conference to talk about how our DemTools suite is advancing civic participation around the world. If you happened to miss this year’s event, RightsCon 2017 will be held in Brussels. Mark your calendar!


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